Bronze Sculptures

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I have been working with bronze casting since 2006. All works are created by hand in wax and cast using the lost wax procedure. Every stage of the creating my bronze works, except the pour, has been done by my hand.

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Creating bronze sculptures starts by creating a work in wax first. This wax sculpture will eventually be melted out and the bronze cast in its place.


After creating a work in wax the peice must then be attached to an intricate system of wax ducts. This system of ducts is called the "gating system".


Once the gating system has been created the work must be dipped in ceramic slury and covered in silica sand and allowed to dry. Several layers of ceramic and silica are required, each needing atleast and hour to dry, before the cast is ready to be fired.

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When the ceramic is ready to be fired in a kiln the wax is melted out in the process. The completed ceramic cast must be air blasted out to remove any loose ceramic or chips to avoid miscastingand patched and sealed with cement or other appropriate sealant before thhe cast is FINALLY ready to be poured in bronze in a founry.

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After the bronze has been poured into te cast and cooled off it is time to take of the ceramic cast. This can be done in a numbeer of ways, but usualy by hammer and chisel. Sand-blasting will completely remove the left over bits of ceramic within the cracks and crevaces of the cast.


When the bronze is finally free from its ceramic tomb, it's time to get out the power tools! The duct work that was once wax is now cast bronze as well and will thusly need to be cut off. This is done with angle grinders, hack saws, and pnumatic hand held grinders. When the excess bronze has been removed the areas where the duct work was attached must be gound down and the metal finishing restored with small rotory tools, this is where I break out my dremel! When everything has been restored we have a finished work of art in bronze!


I absolutley love bronze casting and I will gladly take on commissions to make custom works for clients. Do not hesitate to contact me if you would like a customized work in bronze done for you!

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This is a stylized bio-mechanical cast of my hand. It currently resides with my grandfather in Newcastle Ont. I appologize for the poor quality images. I will shoot more professional qality images at some point this year when I visit my grandfather.

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I am currently engaged in creating a series of bio-mechanically stylized animals. The Animals of choice are those which have evolved perfect body shapes taylored. The majority of these animals are epex predators, such as sharks, cats, therapod dionosaurs, and certain predatory insects. The idea was to take these animals forms and create models of the perfect killing machines, perhaps as a commentary on the savagery of biology. So far the completed specimens are Ant, Dinosaur, and Mantis, I am currently finishing a Beetle in wax and have plans to start work on: hammerhead shark, scorpion, centepede, big cat, new dinosaur, and more beetles.

Dinosaur Skulls


Tyranosaurus. The king of all skulls and the ultimate dinosaur! Because of the shape of the jaw bone and distribution of weight this skull will sit pointing upwards. length: 6in.


Allosaurus. This skull was inspired by the most complete allosaurus skull and may vary from prior fossils. Length: 9in.


Cryolophosaurus. A strange crested medium-sized Therapod from Antarctica. length: 8in.


Dilophosaurus. A rare jurrasic crested therapod made famous by "Jurrasic Park". Length: 8in.


Camarasaurus. An african Brachiosaurid with an odd shaped skull. length:6in.


Tricerotops sp. Solid crest species available as well. Length: 6in.


Styrakosaurus. A rare but well known Ceratopsian from the late Cretaceous period. *This skull will need a support to stand errect. Length: 14in.


What mad scientist wouldn't want a pair of metal shark jaws to hang on their walls?

For more works in bronze see my chess set and dinosaur skull pages.