Bio art

Bio-art, eco-art, enviro-Art, or what ever one prefers to call it is art that incorperates life as material. I prefer the term Bio-art my self because I incorperate actual life forms into my works in order to create machines that contain and maintain minature environments. Bio-speheres, in a sense, but more than just a single container. Many containers linked together with mechanisms to allow only intended animals to pass into different containers to become food for life form next door.

Aquatic System #1

Aquatic system is a self supporting food chain inside a labratory beaker system. It is based off a food pyramid with an apex predator, lower predators, and herbvores in a 1:2:4 ratio. Each animal in contained in pairs in its designated flask and the spawn of those animals can pass through the tubes into the flasks of the other creatures to be eatten.

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The Viking

The Viking is a trickle down system suporting 3 aqua-gardens and a dual aquatic/terrestrial one. It's a bit of a improvised assemblage of glassware assembled with a few spare parts. I was going for a bit of a speam-punk element to it, but I just didnt have the right parts to really do it, not the knowledge to assemble any electrical or mechanical components. I intend to improve on that soon with a friend. It is currently and may remain simply a one directional water top-up machine for a couple water-gardens and a waterloving plant.

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land/sea is a wall mounted one-sided support-system that is sustained only by occasional water top-ups. It is intended to remind us that the land and sea are not seperate things; That water is underneath us all the time and constantly flowing.

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The Portable pet

The portable pet is the equivilent of a land based fish-bowl, only portable. Ideal for an insect, small lizard or tree frog. Take it to the office!
